Welcome to our How To Write A Song Question of The Week section. Each week we will add a different question and encourage responses from songwriters like yourself. This will be a great help to aspiring songwriters looking for tips on how to write a song. We shall cover various genres of music one at a time.
Throughout this website I have written many tips on how to write songs. There are hundreds of pages of information. But I don’t claim to know it all, neither do I want this website to be based solely on my opinions. In that light, I would love to hear what you have to say. Please take a little time to share your knowledge with fellow website visitors by responding to our How To Write A Song Question of The Week. Simply add tips that will help aspiring songwriters write a particular genre of song.
By participating in the discussions below you will improve on your craft as well. I’m sure that you will find some useful tips that will help you become a better songwriter.
Our latest topic is How To Write A Break Up Song.
How To Write A Song Tips, Feedback and Comments
Click below to add tips on how to write a song and to see contributions from other visitors to this page…
How to write a break up song
Our topic for the week is – How To Write A Break Up Song. Have you ever written a break up song? What are your best tips on how to write one? Share …
How to write a blues song
How to write a blues song On this page we focus on blues music. Fellow songwriters, what are your best tips for writing a blues song? Please …
How to Write a Christmas Song
Tips on how to write a Christmas song So Christmas is almost here and many songwriters are in the process of writing or looking to write Christmas …
How to write songs for artists
How To Write Songs For Artists Every songwriter would love to write a song and have it done by a popular or major artist. You could make a lot …
How To Write A Song on Guitar
How To Write a Song on Guitar Fellow songwriter, What are your best tips on the topic “How To Write a Song on Guitar”? Please share them here. …
How to Write a Hip Hop Song
Fellow songwriters, What are your best tips for writing a Hip Hop Song? Please let us know below. Share your best tips on writing a Hip Hop song with …
How To Write A Pop Song
How To Write A Pop Song Dear songwriters, What are your best tips for writing a Pop Song? Please let us know below. Share your best tips on …
How to Write a Love Song
Submit your best tips on How to Write a Love Song here. What lyrics/topics are best for a love song? How about the music? From what angle should such a …
How to Write a Metal Song
Submit your best tips on How to Write a Metal Song here. What lyrics/topics are best for a metal song? How about the music? Share your knowledge on various …
How To Write a Rock Song
How To Write A Rock Song Fellow songwriters, What are your best tips for writing a Rock Song? Please let us know below. Share your best tips …
How To Write A Country Song
How To Write A Country Song Our topic of the week is How To Write A Country Song. Knowledgeable songwriters, let’s hear what you have to …